Hello beautiful humans.
I, Sanel Art Barritus, do hereby issue this to be an act of personal bequeathery that bestows the powers of bequeathment unto all the souls who read these words following hence forth that I, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath once more yet again the very truthful fact that I, being of the ad nauseamly and redundantly aforementioned aforementionedly mentioned ad nauseam sound mind and body did very much make these things presented before you on this websitian display of my artistic wares to be truthfully created by my own God given digit extending arm enders also known as hands as the actual vessels which I used to create the very various variations of the non formatic (Chaldean & Pythagorean)forms and fixtures of the multi and mono chromatic mixtures of moxie styled mixes and mediums that are all cohesively combined to produce what we mortals yearn to call those ever so lovely little lucrative wall enhancers and or paintings to those with no vocal imagination. Then: after said creative creations has been introduced and put upon this Earth to be gawked at by slack jawed mortals, you and I together introduce the time honored tradition known as the fiscal barter portion of the situation into this current said situation so I can promptly sell said wares to both the pretty rich petty people that party so pure wink wink and to the poor earning ugly’s alike who much like their rich human counterparts… all need art to help in alleviating their ever growing and stunningly noticeable lack of a noticeable ability to perform as a coherent fiscal earning conversationalist at all those dinners, luncheons, and brunches with various Heads of various States as well as all the poors when there is no aforementioned and or undermentioned display of absolutely stunning displays of said displayed art. It’s a fallible human science that we all know and understand as best we can with our little feeble minds doing our absolute human best to understand and comprehend three or maybe even four dimensions of this known reality. Solution: Buy my art, upgrade your life. Don’t buy my art: and the conversational gaps at your next brunch affair will continually spread like spore pox on both your plague ridden houses. And now here are some fun facts about me: I was born directly on my due date, feet first. I like reggae and coffee, puppies, jazz and kitties and I most assuredly listen to thrash metal when I’m emotionally venerable. I also like and subscribe to all of the internet puns sites. Not just some of the puns, but all of the them. Even the forbidden puns. So, in conclusion, if you are one of the poors and you are still reading this… then you should go get a real jobby job and buy my art. Peace and love. Let’s get big and rich together and save the horses by saving the planet. Hugs for Thugs. And remember: old school circle pits always goes counter clockwise, Even when you pickin’ up change. Get Some.
God Bless.